For an Emergency, Dial 911
Cumberland County Kentucky operates a set of ten (10) warning sirens located near the Cumberland River spread out around the county. These sirens are used as a warning system for several types of emergency situations including flooding and tornados. Many times during the year, especially spring, there is the potential for severe weather in our area. When a tornado warning is issued by the National Weather Service specifically for Cumberland County or local spotters identify tornado like rotation, warning sirens are sounded. Be aware that a monthly siren test is conducted at noon on the last Friday of every month. When you hear the warning sirens, listen to NOAA weather radio or broadcast radio and TV for additional information. If a true emergency exists, broadcasters will provide additional information. If no emergency situation is being reported, it's probably a test on the last Friday of the month.
NOAA weather radio broadcasts on Channel 4 (162.475 MHz in our area) provide excellent emergency information about severe weather. Local emergency threats include severe thunderstorms with high winds and lightning, tornados, and flooding. In the unlikely event of a breach in Wolf Creek Dam located on the Cumberland River above Burkesville, NOAA weather radio broadcasts provide sufficient warning for a safe evacuation.
The Kentucky Department of Homeland Security has set up a Reverse 911 call system for our area. This notification system can be used during times of extreme emergency to automatically call every landline telephone in our county with an emergency notification. Cumberland County Emergency Management is working with DHS to provide a method to register cellular telephones for this notification.
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